An Inconvenient Time
Some of our Thai neighbours are moving to a new house round the corner. As with all major life events here, the exact timing is of utmost importance. It's not simply a case of moving in when it's convenient for you; monks and astrologers will have been consulted months before to pinpoint the most auspicious time and date. Hence the oddities such as the 5am wedding we went to a few months back. And you hear of worse; my Thai teacher had to get married at 3am. Meanwhile, access to private medicine is allowing wealthy Thais to pinpoint that most unpredictable of human events down to the precise auspicious minute; the popularity of Caesarean births is rocketing.
Luckily, the stars indicate that our neighbours should move house at the not-too inconvenient time of 10pm. At that precise hour, we are called on to wish them on their way.
Luckily, the stars indicate that our neighbours should move house at the not-too inconvenient time of 10pm. At that precise hour, we are called on to wish them on their way.
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