Tuesday, November 28

Hit Me Baby, One More Time

Si and Tess have a baby, Caitlin. We visit the hospital, and I'm amazed by how soft she is; Sara's impressed by her large feet. I'm forced to have a go at holding her. As you can see, these things come so naturally to me.
At school, Sara is teaching the Christmas story. There's clearly some confusion as the children ask whether Mr Simon's baby is called Jesus.

Saturday, November 25

Coconut Injury

Ever tried opening a coconut? They're surprisingly hard work. Sara has a go, but sadly the meat cleaver bounces of the coconut and into her arm. Ouch. She alerts me with some strange yelping, and I tape it up and take her to the hospital. 6 stitches later, she's fine.
It's my first visit to a Thai hospital, and I'm very impressed. I can see why the country has such a growing medical tourist industry. Amongst other procedures, I hear it's the top destination for "gender reassignment" surgery. Any takers?

Sunday, November 12

Sin, eh ma?

I make a rare visit to the cinema. Points to note about Thai cinemas: (1) they're chilled to -10°C (2) they show gruesome graphic horror trailers before the most innocent of films (3) you must stand during the playing of the Royal Anthem, which is accompanied by film clips of the King, cut with a bizarre sequence involving a blue flying child beckoning to a bloke dressed in Thai finery swimming through a thunderstorm.