Monday, August 29

The bag saga

From time to time she does these things - Sara left her bag in the taxi last night. So I battled with the Thai automated call centre and cancelled her ATM card, and phoned the landlord to ask about getting the locks changed (diary plus front door key is a bad combination to lose).
But then tonight, we get this random call from a Thai woman. By combining her two-word grasp of English with Sara's equivalent Thai, we gather she has the bag. So we jump into a taxi, and pass the mobile to the driver, as at least he will understand the woman. We're taken on a random trip through the night-time traffic. Turns out the bag has "appeared" at a show-bar several miles across town. Sara's delighted - OK, the cash has gone, but it was less than a tenner, and she's got back the really important stuff. Like her diary and lipstick. I give the woman 200 Baht for her trouble, as she appeared to be the good samaritan of the story.