Friday, January 25

Reading the Small Print

Like everyone else, I never bother to read the ridiculously lengthy 'End User Licence Agreement' that you have to 'Accept' every time you install a bit of software. But feeling vaguely bored today, I did scroll down the agreement that popped up when iTunes asked to update itself. It turns out I'm specifically banned from using iTunes for "the development, design, manufacture or production of missiles, or nuclear, chemical or biological weapons". Now I personally feel that some of Sara's music would classify as an offensive weapon (e.g. anything by Sade or Gabrielle), but it seems a big step between that and a full-blown biological weapons programme.

Tuesday, January 22

Down on the Farm

The parents of one of Sara's pupils kindly take us out to their farm for the weekend. Just 3 hours from Bangkok, but a complete world away; dirt tracks with no vehicles, clean air filled with birdsong, no development spoiling the beautiful views across jungle-clad hills; no lights to spoil a beautiful starscape at night. It's easy to forget when you stick to Bangkok and the tourist trail that much of Thailand is like this. Curiously, the shelf in the farm's guest bedroom holds 2 objects; a pink cartoon elephant and a .38 Smith & Wesson.

Friday, January 18

Stars in Their Eyes

Ali turns 50 and hosts a Stars in Their Eyes party. I'm always a huge fan of fancy-dress parties, and it's a great night. My transformation into rapper Fiddy Baht isn't a complete success; I try and be as misogynistic, homophobic, materialistic and violent as I can, but I don't think anybody's convinced.

Sunday, January 13

Full of Eastern Promise

Emboldened by our gradually improving stumblings in Thai, we decide to explore the less-touristed North Eastern region of the country. Hiring a car and following our noses, we initially get distracted by the wine region around Khao Yai for a few days, delighting in the hilly scenery, fresh air, and vineyard tours. Venturing further East, we discover Angkor-era temples and fortresses, go for a trek in the jungle, and dodge the Khmer Rouge minefields along the Cambodian border.

Thursday, January 10

The New Black

I do like to keep you abreast of the latest sartorial trends on the streets of Bangkok. Following on from the long-term yellow phenomenon, and the more recent explosion of pink, this season's colour is very much black, following the death of the King's elder sister last week. As a teacher, Sara is restricted to wearing only black or white garments for the 3-week mourning period.