Am currently in the station awaiting Julius's arrival on the bullet train, having just spent 2 remarkably stressful hours courtesy of Japanese immigration. It's that old 'address where staying' problem on the immigration form. Arriving in a foreign country, I seldom have a clue where I'll be staying. Normal practice is to insert a random hostel from the guidebook, but I don't have one. So I leave it blank. Big mistake. I'm dragged from the queue into the interrogation suite.
At times such as this, my policy is to always tell the truth; these guys will pull any fabrication apart. The problem is my story began to seem implausible even to me.
"No, I don't know where I'll be staying - I'm meeting a friend"
"No, I didn't bring my phone (GSM phones don't work), or have any other means of contacting him"
When pressed, I produced my sole piece of evidence of my intentions - a scrap of paper with 'Hakata Station 10am' written on it.
"But Hakata Station is a huge place"
"Yes, but we're used to winging it"
"Your story makes no sense to me"
After an hour of this, he was clearly distraught that there was still nothing to write in the box. But deoprtation would be too much effort, and after a profuse apology on my part, I was waved through.
By this time, arrivals was completely vacated. Sauntering alone through the Customs Hall, I was an obvious suspect. Another run through my implausible story, and an intimate search of my bag. At least I got to keep my clothes on.