I Can Hear Clearly Now...
For the past week or so, I've had muted hearing in my left ear. Ear drops provide some benefit, but it becomes obvious that there's some serious blockage going on. As usual at a time of crisis, I turn to Wikipedia. I educate myself on all manner of spurious facts (e.g. did you know that there's 2 genetically distinct types of earwax; in the West we have the gooey yellow variety, whilst in Asia, it's grey and flaky?). I've never had my ears cleaned before, but I read about syringing. And being a scientist, I can't resist the temptation to experiment. Particularly when I realise that my recently purchased printer refill kit has all the necessary equipment. It's an oddly pleasant experience, and before long I've removed a shocking amount of debris from my ear, including a huge chunk the size of a fingernail. I don't have the stomach to investigate what it might once have been; I guess some kind of tropical insect.
Afterwards, the effects are astonishing. The world echoes with a crisp sibilance; the tiniest sounds ring with miraculous clarity. Makes me wonder if in fact I've been deaf for decades rather than days.
Afterwards, the effects are astonishing. The world echoes with a crisp sibilance; the tiniest sounds ring with miraculous clarity. Makes me wonder if in fact I've been deaf for decades rather than days.