Sunday, April 16

Party like it's 2549

OK, so we've just had New Year, but what year is it? Don't tell me you're still stuck in the 21st century? Over here, it's the year 2549... The sell-by dates on milk still amuse me.

Saturday, April 15

Happy New Year!

It's Songkran, the Thai New Year - otherwise known as the world's biggest waterfight. Throwing water over a stranger is considered a blessing, and over the three days of the festival, water pistols, balloons, buckets, fire hoses and pick-up trucks armed with 100-gallon water tanks are all called in to play to ensure that everyone gets a thorough soaking.

Wednesday, April 12

Full House

Sara's sister and cousins and various hangers-on visit over Easter, and our house gets so overcrowded that we decamp to the next-door neighbours. It's a good excuse to do a bit more of the tourist thing, though - a few pleasant days at the beach, time in the National Park, and a Thai cooking course, complete with ladyboy instructor.