Wednesday, December 28

Going Digital

Digital cameras are great, aren't they? Film was such a hassle. Turns out they have another major advantage - the Lao people we meet along the way are fascinated at the concept of seeing themselves on the little screen. Kids in particular forget their shyness and gather round the visitors with their strange new devices...

Tuesday, December 27

Going Native

We join a trek to explore the hills of Northern Laos, and have the privilege of staying in a remote Lanten village. It's a beautiful part of the world, and the night sky is breathtaking. I'm reminded that life doesn't have to be complex and modern to be happy and fulfilling.

Sunday, December 25

A real Burma of a Day

It's Christmas Day, and we're on a journey into the unknown. Last night, we clicked with a New York couple over a few BeerLaos, and decided to charter a boat to head up the Mekong, through the remote jungle of Northern Laos. Around midday, our pilot pulls up on the Burmese side of the river, and tells us to get out. We're initially somewhat alarmed, particularly as the quicksand immediately swallows Susan's legs. But it turns out that the next stretch of river involves crazy rapids, and the pilot doesn't want to risk our lives as well as his own. So we end up having our Christmas lunch of tuna sandwiches on a riverbank in Burma, hoping that immigration rules don't apply in the jungle. After a trek through the undergrowth, we rejoin our boat upstream, which has happily survived the rapids.

Friday, December 23

Looks like a Laosy Christmas

For the first few days of the Christmas holiday, we had Sara's brother Matt staying, so had a hectic time experiencing some Bangkok nightlife. He's headed off on the rest of his round-the-world tour, and we've headed North to spend Christmas in Laos. After a chilly overnight train journey, we've reached Chaing Mai, and should be at the border tomorrow. Absoltely no idea what we'll get up to, as neither of us is the planning type, but most people who've been say Laos is a fantastic place. Maybe apart from Natalie who got ill for a few years with Typhoid there. And Dom, who nearly died of Dengue Fever or something...

Thursday, December 22

Baby Boom

So first Brian, now Ian. Congrats to Ian and Nat for bringing Iona Wilson into the world. Apparently she was born in the bath - don't know if they were trying to re-enact the Christmas story or something. And congrats to me for becoming an uncle thrice.
Random info: did you know that "Ian" in Thai means to eat cake until the point of being sick?!

Friday, December 16

The King and I

It was the King's birthday last weekend, and we all had a holiday. But isn't every day a holiday, I hear you ask. Well, that may be, but it's beside the point. What interested me was one of the posters. Being a revered icon, pictures of the King were emblazoned everywhere; every billboard celebrating with one of the dozen or so official photos. All well and good, except one of these standard images features a very sweaty King, perspiring heavily and pointing to a huge drop of sweat that dangles ominously from the end of his nose. What's that all about then?

In the Deep Midwinter

So winter has very much arrived here in Bangkok. It's suddenly got freezing, I'm having to wear a jumper round the house, and we've resorted to a duvet at night. I'm serious.
The temperature? It's dropped to 26°C.

Tuesday, December 13

Mum's the word

Mum pops over from Dar es Salaam for a week, taking advantage of Kenya Airways' handy Bangkok service. We see the sights, but also take plenty of time just to chill out. I think she enjoys herself - she generously says it's the best holiday she's had in years! Check out a few holiday snaps...