Friday, October 28

A nervous wait

So as I think most of you know, Sara and I took all our wordly possessions and either flogged them at a car boot sale or shipped them out here. We don't have anything left in the UK. OK, apart from that box of photos in Alison's loft. And that bag of warm clothes at Matt's in case we ever pop back. And the one at Rachel's... but you get the point
Anyway, our ship is arriving any day now, but we're a bit anxious as Sara's work permit hasn't been processed yet, and without it we might get stung for duty (very bad). So we could be battling with both Customs and Immigration, and Thai bureaucracy is legendary for all the wrong reasons...

Saturday, October 22

Ryanair of the East

So having taken the train down to Koh Samui, we opt to fly back, as 'Bangkok Airways' offer the same kind of cheap deals that Ryanair have perfected. Only they don't fly to Dublin.
But because this is Thailand, their level of service leaves their Irish counterparts standing. OK, the airport on Koh Samui is little more than a thatched hut, but they do offer free drinks, snacks, newspapers and internet. And there's a full meal served on the 45 minute flight. It's a new Boeing, and we're punctual to the minute.

Friday, October 21

Koh Samui

Just got back from a week's holiday on Koh Samui. We're incredibly lucky that we can spend half term on a paradise island, and get there by train. (Well, there was a short boat trip involved of course, but you get what I mean). Still in monsoon season, so there was quite a bit of rain. Although bizarrely, I still managed to have a rarely-experienced sunburn incident.

Sunday, October 2

Thailand Open

The Thailand Open happens just round the corner, and when they announce free tickets to all UK passport holders, we wander down. Our man Andy Murray is there, and I pass on some tips. As a result, he gets through to the final, only to be beaten by that Federer chap.